
Create a Shopify snippet

  // Define a function to send OTP and notification
  function sendOtpAndNotification() {
    var phoneNumber = "{{ customer.phone }}"; // Get the customer's phone number
    var otp = generateOTP(); // Generate an OTP
    var message = "Your OTP is: " + otp; // Compose the message

    // Define the API request data
    var requestData = {
      number: phoneNumber,
      type: "text",
      message: message,
      instance_id: "{{ your_instance_id }}",
      access_token: "{{ your_access_token }}"

    // Send the API request
    fetch("https://wosocial.com/api/send", {
      method: "POST",
      body: JSON.stringify(requestData),
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(data => {
        // Handle the API response as needed
        console.log("API Response:", data);
        // You can display a success message or handle errors here
      .catch(error => {
        console.error("API Error:", error);
        // Handle API errors here

  // Function to generate a random 6-digit OTP
  function generateOTP() {
    return Math.floor(100000 + Math.random() * 900000);
Include the snippet in your Shopify template:

You can include the send_otp_notification snippet in your Shopify template where you want to trigger the OTP and notification message. For example, you might include it in the customer account page or during the checkout process.

// Include the snippet in your Shopify template 
{% include 'send_otp_notification' %}
Trigger the OTP and notification:

You can trigger the sendOtpAndNotification function when a specific event occurs, such as when a customer clicks a button or submits a form. For example, you can add an "Send OTP" button in your template and attach an event handler to it.

// Add a button to trigger OTP and notification 
onclick="sendOtpAndNotification()">Send OTP 

Make sure to replace {{ your_instance_id }} and {{ your_access_token }} with your actual instance ID and access token from the provided API. Additionally, customize the implementation according to your Shopify theme's structure and requirements. This example provides a basic framework for sending OTP and notification messages using the API in a dynamic Shopify environment.