
Instance Api
POST Create Instance
Create a new Instance ID
access_token 64708f017xxxx
POST Get QR Code
Display QR code to login to Whatsapp web. You can get the results returned via Webhook
instance_id 609ACF283XXXX
access_token 64708f017xxxx
POST Set Receving Webhook
Get all return values from Whatsapp. Like connection status, Incoming message, Outgoing message, Disconnected, Change Battery,...
webhook_url https://webhook.site/1b25464d6833784f96eef4xxxxxxxxxx
enable true
instance_id 609ACF283XXXX
access_token 64708f017xxxx
POST Reboot Instance
Logout Whatsapp web and do a fresh scan
instance_id 609ACF283XXXX
access_token 64708f017xxxx
POST Reset Instance
This will logout Whatsapp web, Change Instance ID, Delete all old instance data
instance_id 609ACF283XXXX
access_token 64708f017xxxx
POST Reconnect
Re-initiate connection from app to Whatsapp web when lost connection
instance_id 609ACF283XXXX
access_token 64708f017xxxx
Send Direct Message Api
POST Send Text
Content-Type: application/json
Send a text message to a phone number through the app
number 84933313xxx
type text
message test message
instance_id 609ACF283XXXX
access_token 64708f017xxxx
POST Send Media & File
Content-Type: application/json
Send a media or file with message to a phone number through the app
number 84933313xxx
type media
message test message
media_url https://i.pravatar.cc
filename (Just use for send document) file_test.pdf
instance_id 609ACF283XXXX
access_token 64708f017xxxx
Group Api
POST Send Text Message Group
Content-Type: application/json
Send a text message to a group through the app
group_id [email protected]
type text
message test message
instance_id 609ACF283XXXX
access_token 64708f017xxxx
POST Send Media & File Message Group
Content-Type: application/json
Send a media or file with message to a group through the app
group_id [email protected]
type media
message test message
media_url https://i.pravatar.cc
filename (Just use for send document) file_test.pdf
instance_id 609ACF283XXXX
access_token 64708f017xxxx